How are you feeling?

You’re feeling lost, confused and empty.
You have everything you wanted but you feel a void inside.
You believe you’re stuck with your lot in life.

You're ready to Mine Your Inner Diamond

Rapidly discover what's been holding you back so you can change that today with this FREE 90 minute transformational process. 

I'm your coach, Maureen

You're going to know yourself more in this process. Just fill in the form above so we can get started together.
90 Minute Process

90 minute process.

Start your journey from feeling lost, confused and empty to feeling deeply connected to your authentic self, so you can enjoy a more sparkly life.

Chapter One

First, take the quiz.

Rapidly discover what’s been holding you back so you can change that today.

Chapter Two

Now it's time to feel brave.

You’re going to know yourself more in this process, so first let’s give you a sip of confidence.

Chapter Three

Uncover Your Masks.

We all hide parts of ourselves and put on a show.

Let's remove some masks now!

Chapter Four

Time To Step Up.

It's time to allow a disowned part of yourself into the limelight, without the fear of judgement.

Chapter Five

Let's Stabilise.

Use this practice to make sure your changes stick with you, because you won't want to go back.

Chapter Six

Here Is Your Diamond.

This process has already started to Mine Your Inner Diamond. Find out how much is on show now. 


I will never sell, rent or give away your details

Chapter One

I'm Maureen.

In 2009 I qualified as a Personal Transformation Coach.
In 2010 I began adding to my qualifications as a Mindset Coach because I was blown away by the transformations people were having without any strategies or techniques being used.
I wanted those results for my clients!
Over the years I've coached clients worldwide on: careers, self love and health.
Yet I found myself coming more alive in my coaching sessions when I worked with my clients on delving so deep, they couldn’t help but find that gorgeous sparkly gem inside.
Looking back, this makes complete sense. I went on my own journey of self discovery many moons ago, and now live a life where I feel deeply connected to myself, my purpose and my husband. OK, and my two birds!
 I've always used my coaching skills on myself to keep this inner diamond glowing.
 And I REALLY want the same for my clients, because I know how fabulous life is when you are finally living your life authentically.

I can't wait to see you sparkle!


I will never sell, rent or give away your details



You'll take a quiz before and after your 90 minute process.
You'´ll get a clear picture of where you are in your life, what's holding you back, and what you need to do to move forward.
During the process you'll  begin to unravel your blocks and the final quiz will show you how much you've already accomplished.
This will give you momentum the to continue.

Meditations & Visualisations

Throughout this process,  you'll practise some meditations and visualisations that will gently relax and expand you so you can go deeper to discover and reconnect with your hidden parts.
Over time, this process will Mind Your Inner diamond so you can shine brighter than ever!

Mind Movies & Habit Building

Revealing hidden parts of yourself is just one piece of the puzzle.
To make them stay out in the open, I'll guide you through some effective yet simple exercises to make sure the never wither away again.


I will never sell, rent or give away your details